Allow you to access and assign values for properties using indexer or key
Adds close button to each tab.
Default: true
Customize the HTML for default 'Go to last' button.
If provided, it will be used instead of default HTML
Default: <button class="stNavLastArrow ui-state-active" title="Last">
<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-seek-end">Last tab</span></button>
Customize the HTML for default 'Go to first' button.
If provided, it will be used instead of default HTML
Default: <button class="stNavFirstArrow ui-state-active" title="First">
<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-seek-first">First tab</span></button>
Customize the HTML for default 'Move Next' button.
If provided, it will be used instead of default HTML
Default: <button class="stNavNextArrow ui-state-active" title="Next">
<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-seek-next">Next tab</span></button>
Customize the HTML for default 'Move previous' button.
If provided, it will be used instead of default HTML
Default: <button class="stNavPrevArrow ui-state-active" title="Previous">
<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-seek-prev">Previous tab</span></button>
Animation timing fn to be used while tabs transition.
Css animations like linear, swing, ease-in-out etc., can be used
Default: swing
Enables debug information to be logged to console.
Default: false
Customize the tab header HTML
Default: <div class="ui-widget-header ui-corner-all"/>
Customize the scrollable div part in the header, which hosts your tab headers.
Default: <div class="ui-scroll-tabs-view"/>
Hide previous and next arrows
Default: false
Customize the wrapper HTML around 'Go to First' and 'Move to previous'.
Default: <div class="stNavMain stNavMainLeft"/>
Last tab is selected as default active on initial load
Default: false
Add custom callback fn to be triggered after tab scroll animation
Default: empty callback function
Customize the wrapper HTML around 'Move to Next' and 'Go to Last'.
Default: <div class="stNavMain stNavMainRight"/>
Control speed of the animations
Default: 500ms
Using navigation controls like previous or next button, to change the selected tab
Default: true
Enable auto select of new tab, when it is added
Default: true
Enable 'Go to first' or 'Go to last' arrows
Default: true
If enabled, it shows the navigation arrows like previous, next
only when tab headers doesn't fit within the view.
If false: It always show navigation controls.
Default: true
Custom css classname to be added to the tab. So you can customize it.
Default: ''
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This interface defines the list of options that could be passed through scrollOptions object to customize the widget according to your requirement.